Class Locations
2366 Fassel Ave, Burlington

Other Tai Chi Programs:(not regular; specially arranged)

QiGong Health Programs:(some are not regular)

For details of Tai Chi forms, please go to TAI CHI FORMS
For details of QiGONG forms, please go to QiGONG
Traditional Yang Tai Chi
Yang Tai Chi or Yang Tai Chi Chuan is the most widely practiced Tai Chi style worldwide today. Many Tai Chi masters, Sifus and practitioners have contributed to promote this life-time treasure.
Yang Tai Chi is highly regarded for its graceful, slow, even, and circular movements, which have great benefits for health, both externally and internally.
Our Yang Tai Chi Style form followed the lineage of Yang Tai Chi founder Master Yang Luchan to Master Yang Chengfu and onto Master Fu's family.
Our Tai Chi classes practice the Authentic Traditional Tai Chi Long Form which is composed of 85 movements. in addition to Yang Tai Chi, our classes also teach QiGong and Tai Chi warm-up exercises including standing post, relaxation, balancing, ascending, descending, opening, closing and breathing moves.
QiGong or Chi Kung or Chi Gung 氣功
The origin of this ancient Chinese exercise "QiGong" could be traced as far back as 4000 year ago. Wikepedia defines QiGong "a practice of aligning body, breath, and mind for health, meditation, and martial arts training. With roots in Chinese medicine, philosophy, and martial arts, qigong is traditionally viewed as a practice to cultivate and balance qi (chi) or what has been translated as "life energy".
Practicing and mastering QiGong enable a practitioner to reach a higher realms of awareness, discover the inner true nature of human potential.
QiGong can be grouped into Quiet QiGong 静功 and Movement QiGong 動功. Quiet QiGong involves mediation, relexation, breathing, concentration and power of mind to direct internal Energy "Qi" througout merdiian paths inside a person's body. Movement QiGong in various forms and disciplines also involves all the above with additional co-ordination of slow flowing movements, deep rhythmic breathing and colaboration of mind.
Qigong is now practiced throughout China and worldwide for recreation, exercise and relaxation, preventive medicine and self-healing, complementary and alternative medicine, meditation and self-cultivation, and training for martial arts
For more information about Tai Chi & QiGong, please visit our HISTORY page.

Both Tai Chi & QiGong are suitable for all ages, from minors to seniors, who enjoy slow pace physical movement, even regular breathing and mind relaxation.
Tai chi is also a form of art expression in its beautiful slow movements. Some view Tai Chi as a beautiful and graceful Oriental dance, while some see it as a defense martial art form, while still others see Tai Chi as health therapy. Tai Chi has also been recognized as one of the best exercises for body balance. Tai Chi also offers an excellent venue for social activities.
QiGong is generally categorized into several practice forms - "Health exercise QiGong, Meditative QiGong and Healing QiGong". Our QiGong classes practice health exercise QiGong in traditional form sets which are dated back 4000 years ago. A true BODY, MIND, SPIRIT experience offering great benefits to body health through consistent, dedicated and persevere practice over lifetime.
It is generally believed that practicing both Tai Chi and Qigong together at the same time is most benefitial for health and martial arts training.

Visit GALLERY for Photo Albums of various events
Tai Chi & QiGong Classes Events
Graduation Group & Celebratory Lunch Sample Pictures

lunch at completion of various Tai Chi/QiGong sessions

Tai Chi & QiGong practice at the park during summer season


demo in various events including HRCCA CNY Gala, Summer Picnics &
joint danceSCAPE & Burlington City Hall Fit-in-the-Core events

LEUNG's Yang Tai Chi members during Spring Session and others...
For enlarged view, click on the following photo thumbnail

LEUNG's Yang Tai Chi & QiGong members exchange
plants brought from own gardens with others.

DRIVE over recent years. Members donate clothes
to help local community and needy families.

in past couple of years.

Our Tai Chi & QiGong members participated various
charitable fund-raising events and family activities
hosted by HRCCA in support of cultural promotions.

gathering at the end of every Tai Chi & QiGong
sessions. Welcome members' families & friends to join.

Q: Is Tai Chi for aged adults only?
A: Tai Chi is suitable for all ages. Tai Chi is an internal
martial art form therefore like all other exercise forms,
it is beneficial to start early in age. However, unlike
many other martial arts or exercise forms, Tai Chi allows
people to learn & practice over life time from young to
old age. It is also generally recognized for its health
benefits, and by many a life-time treasure.
Summer Practice at the Park
LEUNG's Yang Tai Chi members & public joining our Summer Practice at both Nelson & Central parks from mid-June to end of August.

Tai Chi & QiGong
Lessons & Classes (Beginners, Level 1)
太極及氣功 - (初級 , 進修班)
---------Indoor Morning classes---------
Tue, Sat Beginners & Fri Level 1
---早上班---(星期二,六 初级 及 星期五 進修 )
Attend Beginners or Level 1 classes or both
Learn authentic Traditional Yang Tai Chi form
Learn & practice QiGong health exercises
Each class includes both Tai Chi & QiGong
Tai Chi & QiGong Indoor Sessions:
Spring Session - Feb to Jun
Fall-Winter Session - Sep to Jan
Yearly Free Summer Practice at the park
- Jul & Aug
Please visit CLASSES page for sessions' postings
& sign up info under TERMS & CONDITIONS
2025 Spring Indoor Session
-----------------------------------------Click HERE
Starts Tue Feb-4; finishes Sat Jun-7
(Please see T&C section for sign up & other info)
2025 Summer Free Practice at the park
-----------------------------------------Click HERE
Schedule updates around mid May or Jun
Free Park Practice Session welcomes everyone - beginners or experienced. No registration needed
2025-26 Fall-Winter Indoor Session
Starts in Sep (schedule updates in late Jun)
with Xmas & NY breaks
Morning Classes:
Tue, Fri & Sat - Tai Chi & QiGong
Fri - Tai Chi Sword
Regular Indoor Class Sign-up & other details:
Please go to TERMS & CONDITIONS (T&C) section on CLASSES page
For enquiries, please email us. Click HERE for email address & contact information.
Download Registration & Waiver Form
To save time at registration, please bring a completed copy of Registration & Waiver Form (R&W Form) to your first class.
To download the R&W Form, please click HERE
All Tai Chi, QiGong, Sword & Push Hands classes are subject to weather conditions & may be cancelled due to winter storm & hazardous road conditions
For class times & details, please go to CLASSES page
For class location & direction, please go to CONTACT US
Please note that class duration may run over or under scheduled hours
Class Cancellation: INDOOR & OUTDOOR classes may be cancelled for statutory holidays, Christmas &/or New Year weeks, or due to severe weather condition e.g. rain or snow storm, freezing rain or hazardous driving conditions. (No make-up classes for cancellation due to above reasons)

Burlington, Oakville, Waterdown, Milton, Hamilton, Ancaster, Dundas,
Stoney Creek, Mississauga, Halton Region, GTA & surrounding areas