Classes & Fees

2025 Spring Indoor Session (starts Tue Feb 4, ends Sat Jun 7)
(Please see T&C below for sign up & other info) Click HERE
2025 Summer Free Parks Practice (Jul & Aug or may start early by end Jun)
(Outdoor sessions on Tue, Fri & Sat mornings, schedule updates around end May, Jun;
weather & ground condtions permitting)
Click HERE
2025-26 Fall-Winter Indoor Session (starts in Sep)
(Full schedules will be posted in late Jun)
Terms & Conditions (T & C)


Please note that all sessions are morning classes only
Spring or Fall-Winter Indoor Sessions : Please see " SIGN-UP Steps & Guidelines " below
Free Summer Practice at the parks : Registration is not required. Please turn up a few minutes before starting time.

Sign-Up Steps:
1. Please select the one class per week day to attend i.e. either Tue or Sat.
2. If selecting both Tue & Sat i.e. 2 classes per week, please indicate your first preferred class day of the week.
3. For newcomers, please do not select Fri class which is for members who have completed our Beginners' Class
4. Please email us all these info as listed: (a) First & Last names (b) phone number (c) email address.
5. Please go to
CONTACT US page for our email address.
6. Often newcomers are put on the waitlist due to limited class capacity & spots.
7. We will email notice of confirmation only if the class spot is available (please see below:
SIGN-UP Guidelines).
8. Your class spot is secured only after we have received your acceptance before the deadline as stated in the email notice.

SIGN-UP Guidelines:
(We appreciate & welcome new members but due to limited class spots, we often need to put newcomers on the waitlist. We will email confirmation of class spots as soon as they are available prior to session starting dates. Please note that we do not notify unsuccessul sign-up in the event that vacated class spot is not available)

For CURRENT & REPEAT Members: Sign up early or latest before session ends as class spots go fast. Secure your class spot either verbally onsite or through email. Repeat member needs no re-registeration unless there is a change of contact information.

Cancelling your class spot: No charge, but please cancel before the last day of each session or even earlier to allow waitlisted newcomers to take up the vacated spot.
On Emergency Contact: We require a separate person name & contact info to prepare an emergency contact list for the safety of our members. We do not share any personal information with any 3rd party under any circumstances.

After successfully receiving the confirmation of class spot/day, please print form & complete the boxes as required but do not email it to us. Please bring the completed R&W Form (Registration & Waiver Form) to the first class that you attend.
To download the
R&W Form, please click HERE Conditions

Tai Chi & QiGong Classes: One combo Rate includes: QiGong 40-60 mins & Tai Chi 60-75 mins in one combined class of 1.5 to 2 hrs +/- class. No fee reduction if to attend either one discipline only
for ONE class a week plan for a full session of around 18 classes over a period of approx. 4.5 months
$380 for TWO classes a week plan for a full session of around 36 classes over a period of approx. 4.5 months
--------NOTE: THREE classes a week plan is not available except under special arrangement
Sword Classes: $260 for a sesson of approx. 17 classes starting on the 2nd week of the session
Push Hands Classes: TBD (Currently suspended until further notice)

Please make payment on the first day of the class that you attend.
All payments received are final & non-refundable.

COVID Protocol:
Masking: Optional but recommended for entire class time including start, finish & break times until further notice..

For class location & direction, please go to CONTACT US page.

Prerequisites for attending Tai Chi Sword &/or Push Hand Classes:
Subject to class spot availability
Attendee must have completed at least ONE FULL Beginners Session with LEUNG's Yang Tai Chi
Attendee must also attend Tai Chi/QiGong classes of the same Session in the same calendar year
Note: Both Sword & Push Hands Class starts on the 2nd week of every Session
All Push Hands Classes suspended until further notice

Class Cancellation: INDOOR & OUTDOOR classes may be cancelled for statutory holidays, Christmas &/or New Year weeks, or due to severe weather condition e.g. rain or snow storm, freezing rain or hazardous driving conditions. (No make-up classes for cancellation due to above reasons)

Class Schedules & Fees are subject to change
Please note that class duration may run over or under scheduled hours

Weather Permitting

Subject to weather conditions, indoor classes may be cancelled
due to winter/rain/thunder storm, freezing rain & hazardous road conditions
Will email cancellation notice to registered members around 1.5 to 2 hours before class starting time

Feb-4 to Jun-7 2025

Approx. total 18 weeks for every Tue, Fri & Sat classes
less statutory holidays &/or weather conditions if applicable

Traditional Yang Tai Chi & Qigong Classes

Class Location: Burlington Professional Firefighters Assoc.
Address: 2366 Fassel Ave, Burlington, ON.

(Click HERE for map location)

Day Time Class Approx. 4.5 months Notes
Starting 10 am
runs 1.5 to 2 (+/-) hrs
Beginners Class

QiGong Exercises
& 85 Traditional
Yang Tai Chi Long Form
Session runs for approx.
18 classes over 18 weeks

Fees, Sign In & info:
see above T & C
Starting 10 am
runs 1.5 to 2 (+/-) hrs
Level 1 Class

QiGong Exercises
& 85 Traditional
Yang Tai Chi Long Form
Session runs for approx.
18 classes over 18 weeks

For members who have completed our Beginners Class

Fees, Sign In & info:
see above T & C
Starting 10 am
runs 1.5 to 2 (+/-) hrs
Beginners Class

QiGong Exercises
& 85 Traditional
Yang Tai Chi Long Form
Session runs for approx.
18 classes over 18 weeks

Fees, Sign In & info:
see above T & C
Sep 13-24 to Jan-17-25
Traditional Yang Tai Chi Sword Classes

Day Time Class Approx. 4.5 months Notes
Friday 9.15 am
10 am
Traditional Yang Style
67 Form Straight Sword
Around 17 classes over 17 weeks

For members who have completed our Beginners Class

Fees & other prerequisite info: Please see above T & C
Spring & Fall Sessions
Traditional Yang Push Hands
Classes Suspended until further notice

Day Time Class Approx. 4.5 months Notes
Tuesday Class suspended until further notice Level 1
Push Hands
Class suspended until further notice
Class suspended until further notice Level 1
Push Hands
Class suspended until further notice

2025 Free Summer Practice at the park
(On every Tue, Fri & Sat mornings - Jul & Aug or may start early around late Jun
weather & ground conditions permitting}

(everyone - beginners/experienced - is welcome, registration not needed, just turn up)

Different locations for Tuesday , Friday & Saturday Practice

Tuesday Location: Central Park, Burlington. North of Community Garden, close to the very east end of
Courtland Dr off Drury Lane. Practice ground is at a small wooded area off the drive on right. Either park
along Courtland Dr near east end or at parking lot next to Community Garden. (Click HERE for map location)

Friday & Saturday Location: Nelson Park, Burlington - practice ground is on the west side of the softball field which is just next to Appleby Tennis Club. Enter through Nelson Recreation Centre off New Street, Burlington on north side (between Appleby & Walkers). turn into Nelson Recreation Centre, continue drive pass the entire centre (stay on very right side of centre) to the rear, pass soccer field to the parking lot located on west side of the softball field. Practice ground is located just off the parking lot. (Click HERE for map location)

Day Time Practice Class Jun/Jul & Aug Notes
Tuesday starting 10.00 am
runs 1 - 1.5 (+/-) hrs
QiGong Exercises
85 Traditional
Yang Tai Chi Practice
schedule updates
mid May or Jun
(weather permitting)
Free Practice at
Central Park
(Map Location)
Friday starting 10.00 am
runs 1 - 1.5 (+/-) hrs
QiGong Exercises
85 Traditional
Yang Tai Chi Practice
schedule updates
mid May or Jun
(weather permitting)
Free Practice at
Nelson Park
(Map Location)
Saturday starting 10.00 am
runs 1 - 1.5 (+/-) hrs
QiGong Exercises
85 Traditional
Yang Tai Chi Practice
schedule updates
mid May or Jun
(weather permitting)
Free Practice at
Nelson Park
(Map Location)